Thursday, May 19, 2011

FFWD Week #33: Bacon & Eggs & Asparagus Salad

I am shocked and delighted to report that I loved this recipe! Hard-boiled eggs terrify me, and I usually only eat eggs scrambled. Today, however, I took a little step and poached an egg for the salad. I had some candied hazelnuts lying around and so chopped them up for the salad - they added a lovely sweetness and crunch. Like Dorie promised, the egg and the asparagus worked marvelously together. Unfortunately, I lent my camera to a friend to take some photos for me and so do not have a picture of this lovely salad. Hope you have a splendid weekend!


  1. Pretty picture of the water & scenery!
    And candied hazlenuts sound really good...

  2. Isn't it great when you try something new and love it? The candied hazelnuts sound great.

  3. As long as the salad turned out well, who needs a picture. The
    scene above is gorgeous and so peaceful looking. I thought
    the salad was really good, and although Tricia didn't get a chance
    to make it this week, she liked the way it looks and plans on
    trying it soon.


Thanks so much for your comments, I love reading each one!!